Spanish Ya Spanish School

Postal Address:
From UNO Gas Station 100 mts north. San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

office: + (505) 2568 3010 cell: + (505) 8898 5036

Map of San Juan del Sur and location of the school:

See Map bigger

How to get here from Managua:
We will be happy to make any transport arrangements for you; please ask us for our private transport service. If you’re on a budget, you can also take a taxi to “Mercado Roberto Huembes” and take a public bus to Rivas. From there, you can catch another bus to San Juan del Sur. Or, you can catch an express bus from Managua direct to San Juan at 4pm.

Once you have arrived, the best choice of transportation is your feet. And our school is the only Spanish language school with the riverside location in San Juan del Sur. Please see the map for more references.